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hopeful holds the tension/ dew jewels cling the sway/ clasped tight against the world/ not yet knowing it's ok/ the waiting deepens color/ trying to accept every sun ray/ gathering its truth song/ beauty at bay so long/ awaiting opening to day/

Saturday, July 18, 2009

God....who am I?

I ended up in downtown Belfast again today - not really the way I had planned, but I'm sort of used to God setting me up. It turned out to be a lovely day. First, I walked along the Lagon River, praying (really, really hard), crying and groaning (I'm so glad the Spirit knows how to pray for us), then around the city. I found some beautiful things (including a different city - accidentally - on the bus!), and, during one of my prayers realized something: one of the best ways to learn who you are/stop rejecting yourself is to actually receive when God is saying "yes (and amen)" to you. So, despite a really difficult relational situation, I received that God was actually trying to give me the desires of my heart. And that really changed everything.

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